Saturday, July 24, 2010

That’s a Wrap

Ok… it has been quite some time since I blogged, time to wrap it all up. So, previously the F5 is so worried about the NS names and everything, tell me about it, and I didn’t get chosen. Yay for me! Not that good for Ed and Wayne, Selvina and Xiwen, and countless others who turned ‘hysterical’ due to the ‘joy’ of it. I wonder are they Massachusetts. They are 'happy' they got chosen and are doing some of the most unnatural things. of course now they have subside.

Of course of so many things, there’s always the Twilight saga, as stupid as ever. There’s still the ‘Jacob clan’ and the ‘Edward clan’. Not mentioning the ‘Anti-Twilight-Stop –Soppy-Vampire clan’. Such a horror, seriously. The boredom, the cliché-ness, the love in the air, ……………………………………………………………………………………
Sorry for passing out, need to go to toilet. Felt my yesterday’s dinner.

Moving on, before I puke again, Drama. Drama has loss its previous charm and attraction. Its soul and essence have flown to a distant land. The Art is not properly passed down. Now it falls into a deep slumber till from the ashes a fire shall spring, and the broken will again be king.

More of the Carnival updates, the Prefects are learning how to accept rejection today at the market. Don’t know which one though, missed the chance to laugh at them. Not mentioning the pathetic-ness of the KP, and the teacher in charged, had once again, shown to the world. So funny, they just never learn. Come to think of it, how can they learn if they at constant self-denial. Pity.

That’s about all if I’m not wrong…….

Oh, before i forget, today I’ve cooked dry spaghetti. Dry as in once lifted out from their Jacuzzi, placed in a plate and everything, it turned dry. lol. On a happy side, there’s ‘potato jacket’ without the potato skin. XD. Tasted ALMOST as good as Iven’s last year.

Now that’s a wrap.